Well, the good news is Ford made it through the anesthesia and ventilator, the disappointing news is Ford is needing more oxygen right now and Dr. Pugach was not able to get the stint in his ureter.
That means Ford is going to need surgery to get his kidney stone out and to relieve the hydronephrosis. We are certainly very nervous about that. We know we are going to have to have the surgery for Ford's health, but I just hate that for him.
We are not certain if the surgery is going to happen on Friday or next week. Ford's pulmonologist does not want him to go back under anesthesia and on the ventilator if he is not ready "lungwise" so he is going to talk to Dr. Pugach the urologist.
I will keep you posted. Ford just needs your prayers that his surgery goes off without a hitch and that his mommy and daddy do not lose their minds with worry.
Meanwhile my mother is taking care of Hayden at the hotel and Trey's parents have been taking care of Holland (Trey's sister) who was in the hospital with a terrible stomach sickness... she is out now and doing better.... Thank Goodness.
Thanks for your care and concern,
Dana, Trey, Ford and Hayden