Milestones and Hurdles

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Update on Our Ford

Well, the good news is Ford made it through the anesthesia and ventilator, the disappointing news is Ford is needing more oxygen right now and Dr. Pugach was not able to get the stint in his ureter.

That means Ford is going to need surgery to get his kidney stone out and to relieve the hydronephrosis. We are certainly very nervous about that. We know we are going to have to have the surgery for Ford's health, but I just hate that for him.

We are not certain if the surgery is going to happen on Friday or next week. Ford's pulmonologist does not want him to go back under anesthesia and on the ventilator if he is not ready "lungwise" so he is going to talk to Dr. Pugach the urologist.

I will keep you posted. Ford just needs your prayers that his surgery goes off without a hitch and that his mommy and daddy do not lose their minds with worry.

Meanwhile my mother is taking care of Hayden at the hotel and Trey's parents have been taking care of Holland (Trey's sister) who was in the hospital with a terrible stomach sickness... she is out now and doing better.... Thank Goodness.

Thanks for your care and concern,
Dana, Trey, Ford and Hayden

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ford Going In For Kidney Procedure... Please Join Us in Praying

Well, our sweet little Ford needs your prayers. For the most part, he is doing really great! He does have some kidney issues, hydronephrosis and a very LARGE kidney stone. Tomorrow his urologist is going to go and put a stint in one of his ureters in order to drain some of the urine out of his right kidney and hopefully help pass the kidney stone. It sounds simple enough and I am sure it is, but as any mother would be, I am scared and nervous. The part that scares us is the fact that he will have to be put under anesthesia again and be intubated. He has come such a long way with his lungs... I just want him to quickly come of the vent and not depend on it like he did for so many months.

I know we ask you for prayers constantly and we have not been blogging and keeping you updated like we should, but we have been swamped being parents of two very active twins who need us 24/7. I just want you to know how much we have appreciated you all who keep up and pray for the boys. I always tell people it is all of our prayers that helped Ford and Hayden come so far and continue to do so.

We are in Fort Worth tonight. We were not planning on this procedure just yet so my mother had to bring us clothes and all the twins stuff. We are hoping Ford will only need one night in the hospital as that is the plan. I am confident in his surgeon and know we will be home to you soon. I don't know if there are any other mothers out there that immediately go to the worst case scenario in a scary situation like this... why I worry about that stuff I don't know because I know God is going to bring Ford through this. I just feel so guilty for thinking those negative thoughts... I put them out of my head but I wish I never went there, ya know? I also feel like I haven't thanked the Good Lord enough for our little miracles, but I am so thankful... even when I am tired to the point of tears because we have only managed a couple hours of sleep in a day because the boys sometimes need to eat every 3 hours... even when the boys are crying and I don't know why, even when they spit up their milk all over you... it's PERFECT PARENTHOOD, our perfect parenthood with Sweet Ford and Sweet Hayden. This is me saying I wouldn't want it any other way... I need Ford and Hayden all the days of my life no matter how difficult the ride. That, I need the Lord to know if I haven't spoken it enough and thanked him enough.

Well, Ford's procedure is at 2:30... I pray you will be thinking about him and praying for him... he really is the sweetest little boy. His brother has been helping me pray for Ford. Hayden is doing wonderful. He is here with us. His biggest problem is his wheezing and we are hoping time will help him grow out of that.

Thanks for being here for us yet again!

Dana, Trey, Ford and Hayden

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Hughey Twins Turn 6 Months!

Another wonderful milestone to report! Ford and Hayden celebrated half a year of their wonderful lives today! We celebrated their 6 month b-day more, of course! The boys really have been doing wonderfully at home with Trey and me. Everyday is such a blessing and a true joy.

We have celebrated many firsts since we have been home. Hayden has been laughing and smiling for almost a month now! What a wonderful sight to see. Then, about a week or two later... Ford's smile showed up as well. It stretches from ear to ear. As for Hayden's smile, well he smiles with his entire face, his eyes just sparkle as he grins... it's hard to believe where we were 6 months ago today. Thank the heavens the Lord pulled us through! Knowing these boys is the best thing that ever happened to me. It is busy handling these 2 high needs babies, but worth every second of missed sleep and time just holding them because they don't want to be in their cribs. Can you blame them? They spent the first few months of their lives in an incubator... they deserve to be held to get them through whatever rough spots they need.

Both boys really are holding their heads up nicely and Ford has rolled over already... Hayden is almost there and I know Ford is going to do it again really soon. We have been back and forth to Fort Worth a couple of times since Ford's release from the hospital for routine visits. We've seen the pulmonologist, nephrologist and urologist. Hayden is off his oxygen and Dr. Pfaff is impressed with his progress... we just have to be cautious of his wheezing. He is also impressed by Ford, though he is still on his oxygen. Things were a little more tense at the urologist. Hayden still has no kidney stones, just some calcium deposits. As for Ford, well, he has a rather large kidney stone that his doctor does not believe will break up on its own, or that will pass. That means a procedure that will require intubation and anasthesia. That is so scary to me. I thought we were passed that. Every time you go under it is scary and of course, Ford's lungs have come so far... I would hate for him to be re-intubated when we spent 3+ months trying to get off the ventilator. Right now, all we can do is pray. Pray for another miracle. I know we already have been blessed with many, but he is my baby boy and I love him so I am praying God has another one in him to spare Ford more hospital time and anasthesia. I am praying it just breaks up on its own by the time we head back in August.
There is still good news for the boys, THEY ARE GROWING! Though they are not on the charts for 6 month old babies because of their extreme prematurity... they do look wonderful. Yesterday Ford weighed 11 pounds and 13 1/2 ounces... Hayden weighed 11 pounds and 5 ounces. They are eating better, though I have to admit it is still a workout for us. Again, worth the hour or so it takes to get them nice and chunky!

We are still keeping them rather sheltered, but it is just for their own good until their little immune systems mature.

We were so happy to see my doctor and dear friend, Dr. Seligman and his wife, Nancy when we were in Fort Worth. Big Honey and Big Daddy babysat while we caught a quick bite after the Seligmans caught up with Ford and Hayden. He is the reason they are here and we thank him for that every moment we can. He kept them in by trying everything possible even when it didn't look good! Two of Ford and Hayden's primaries also came to see them, Amy and Melissa. We were so thrilled to see them... it is wonderful how much they care for our boys, we are so lucky, they really are the best! As are their other nurses. And of course... Dr Lynch, she met us downstairs at Harris after a long night on call to see how the boys are doing. It was great to see her. We miss everyone so much from our months in Fort Worth... they saved our babies and to an extent, us!

It is Ford and Hayden 24/7 in the Hughey household. We get some help from my mom and Trey's mom and we are so thankful. These boys have provided us with the best 6 months of our lives. We get to love them, nurture them and hold them... I couldn't ask for more.

I can't end a post without saying... thank you for your prayers, your words of encouragement and for sticking with us through these trying months as we nurse Ford and Hayden back to health!
Love-- Trey, Dana Ford and Hayden

Picture Worth A Thousand Words

Picture Worth A Thousand Words

Proud Parents

Proud Parents

Proud Mommy

Proud Mommy

Proud Papa

Proud Papa

Pics of Ford

Pics of Ford

Pics of Hayden

Pics of Hayden